Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Answered Prayer

In September we asked you to pray for us as far as getting permits. As of September we have sent permit applications in but have not received any permits guaranteeing us a certain location. We were calling the National Forests around Washington with little reply. Most places were already full or had put all new permit applications on hold while they did environmental surveys. As of now we have potentially 3 different locations.

Yesterday I got a call from Mike the head ranger in charge of all forest permits in Washington and Oregon. He heard that we were having trouble getting permits from the Special Uses Program Manager in Washington, D.C. which Jon and I met at the America Outdoors Conference. Mike said he was a Christian and looked at our website and wanted to help us. He told us to send him a list of places we wanted to go and he would get us in contact with the right people with his referral.

It is amazing to see how God has continued to provide as we trust Him.

Austin Dannen