Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Climbing Gym in Spokane???

As the summer is starting to wind down, all of us here at Peak 7 have our sights set towards the horizon for opportunities to increase our impact and interaction with the youth of Spokane and it's surrounding areas. After hours of deliberation, we have decided to move forward in researching and outlining all the specifics (cost, location, etc.) of a Peak 7 rock climbing facility.

Such an expansion would provide:
  • Year around opportunities to work with youth, additional outlet to share the Gospel
  • No more cancelled trips due to weather conditions
  • Donor and community outreach/awareness about Peak 7
  • Bring in additional funds for the ministry
  • A recreational facility for youth from any neighborhood, to stay active and involved in positive activities outside of school. Provide youth a fun and safe alternative outside of drug, gang, and criminal activities which are on the rise in Spokane
These are just a few to name and as always we have to weigh the pros and cons of such an undertaking. Please join us in prayer for this new project. We know that if it be the Lord's will for this ministry; he will provide the means and provision for such an addition.