Monday, April 25, 2011

Please pray for Matt (Matt's Testimony from 08)

We would love to be able to say that Matt is doing well, but we can't. In short, he has slipped back into his destructive livestyle. Please pray for the Lord to continue to do His work in Matt's heart.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seattle Prayer

Pray for:
-Summer staff
-Warehouse space in Seattle
-A successful Ski to Sea fundraiser
-Successful planning for a fall fundraiser

Peak 7 Portland Warehouse

Throughout the winter God blessed us with a dontated warehouse for our Portland area. We found out this morning that we will likely (and unexpectedly) be losing this space in the very near future. Please pray that God will lead us to a new space that will allow us to operate for the summer.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April prayer requests

- Unity with the staff
- Safety on trips
- Lots of kids booked on trips
- Guidance from the Lord on how to manage 3 locations
- Warehouse space in Seattle
- Leadership development for staff

$22,500 blessing

Thank you all of you that have been praying for Peak 7 and the new OR branch. The Lord provides in incredible ways. We just received $20,000 for a scholarship fund for OR that we can use 70% of the interest for scholarships. As well as another $2,500 that we can use this year for kids in Portland.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011